Of Jackets and Boots and a Partly-Frozen Niagara Falls in February

Family Day Long weekend - which was also one of the mildest weekends we have had this great winter, So made our way to Niagara Falls and spent a night there… something that I haven’t done it in the last 7 years 2 months in Toronto.! But however mild it gets you still need the... Continue Reading →

Mono Cliffs Provincial Park

Almost a 10km hike through the park., it was a fabulous fall hike. Now, all through summer we wanted to do a lot of outdoor activities, and why not, explore The True North.! With my new gift, the GoPro Hero Session 5... with all its accessories.! What a fabulous gift..!! Although it was busy summer... Continue Reading →

Port Hope, Ontario

Just an hour off Toronto, in Port Hope. Though the city was pretty much shut down for Labour Day, it was a good short day trip. Salmon Catching was the highlight of the day! Apparently, the salmon tires you down, and you need to tire the salmon. And so, it could take hours to catch... Continue Reading →

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